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Why we started

All About Us

"Every day around the world, there are people in have to walk barefoot for miles just to get to school for the day, or get water for their families. That showed us that shoes, something so simple that most people take for granted can make such a difference in people's lives. It can help prevent diseases, such as podoconiosis and hookworms, and generally improve health. We started this nonprofit to give these people a chance for a healthier, better life."

 - Arav Makadia, Simar Kantor


Our Goals

Our mission is to provide access to essential footwear to prevent diseases and promote general welfare across Africa one soul at a time.

Team Members

Simar Kantor

Co-Founder and Student


Arav Makadia

Co-Founder and Student


Simar Kantor

I am Simar Kantor, rising freshman at Carroll High School in Texas. One day, my mom told me about her friend's daughter who was serving underprivileged kids through eyeglass donations. This got me thinking, could there be more that can be done? Remembering learning about diseases in the human body during science class sparked my curiosity. As this concept of finding a way to serve patients in need turned into reality, my friend, Arav and I launched Healthier Soles. We have built an organization to help change the world through shoe donations, one soul at a time.

Arav Makadia

I am Arav Makadia, and I am a sophomore at Milton High School. I always enjoyed collecting shoes. However, I realized that not everyone has access to a decent pair of shoes. I saw videos of kids walking to school and adults working tough jobs without any shoes. I realized that something so simple can make a huge difference in people's lives. That is why my friend Simar Kantor and I started this nonprofit, to give everybody a chance to step forward.

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