Empowering Lives, One Sole at a Time
Welcome to Healthier Soles. Our goal is to protect individuals from the dangerous diseases often transmitted by walking barefoot. We provide essential funding for shoes in Africa, ensuring that every step taken is a step towards a healthier, safer future. Join us in making a difference today!
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(Zeke Tucker on Unsplash)
What We Are Trying to Prevent

Cases of Hookworm Disease
In Africa, Hookworm parasitic disease is widespread but not commonly discussed.
People Without Shoes
There are 300 million people in Africa without shoes. This is a direct cause of many disease including Podoconiosis and Hookworm disease.
Cases of Podoconiosis
All across Africa, cases of Podoconisosis pop up, but this unknown Non-Filarial lymphedema is common but unheard of in many communities.

(S. Wanji et al. Acta Tropica 219 (2021) 105918)
Podoconiosis Disease
Podoconiosis is a disease in which the skin thickens and large amounts of swelling occur below the knee. Once contracted, the disease lingers until surgery can remove it. The number one way to prevent the disease is to wear proper footwear to avoid contact with soil.

Hookworm Disease
A simple cut on your foot can hurt, but a cut on your foot while walking miles for water as your family’s only way to get water means you keep walking barefoot. Hookworms can enter your body though any type of cut in your foot causing early pain and leaving lasting effects on mental and physical development.

General Welfare
Many people in Africa, especially children, walk miles a day for simple resources or school. Most of these people can’t afford shoes and are forced to walk barefoot, leaving many things to chance with possibilities for sickness, infection, cuts, bruises, and issues later in life which could all have been prevented by simply wearing shoes.